All papers have to be delivered in *.pdf and *.doc format. *.Pdf format was compiled from *.doc (Microsoft Word), using the option 'embedded fonts' in pdf-file preparation. Pdf-files prepared from scanned documents can not be accepted. In addition to the *.pdf file, the original source file (*.doc) should be provided as well.
the deadline for submission of papers is 15 April 2014;
the maximum number of pages is 6 pages for all contributions;
papers can only be submitted using the online submission tool (see below);
papers can only be submitted if your abstract has been accepted previously;
all papers have to be delivered in electronic form (Microsoft Word) as well as identical Acrobat pdf-file;
The following templates may be used to prepare your paper:
The publisher will reduce the paper to 75% and print it in black. For this reason, please check if your artwork and figures will be legible after reduction. It is also very important that you submit your artwork and figures both embedded into Microsoft Word as well as in separate single files, with a preferred format of *.TIFF or *.EPS (see for reference: submission of artwork.doc)
When an author submits a paper or article to the publisher, the author is obliged to sign and return a Consent to Publish Form, which will be provided by the editor of the proceedings. With submitting a paper for publication the author agrees to transfer the copyright of his paper to the publisher, and the publisher has the right to publish the paper.
Download Consent to Publish Form (pdf-file)
A signed copy of the Consent to Publish Form has to be scanned and electronically submitted together with the paper.
The online paper submission is available now. Please submit your paper before 15 April 2014.
You can submit your paper in the following two steps:
1. Fill in your user name and password in the two fields below.
2. Please make sure that you have all necessary files ready to attach to your submission. After succesful submission you will receive a confirmation mail from the Organising Committee.